Germanischer Lloyd Rules ND and Programms 14.0
GL Rules and Programs (GLRP), Version 14.0/2012 is an interactive Microsoft Windows-based information and calculation system thatngives you easy access to GL Rules and Guidelines.
GLRP allows you to search and view rule information relevant tobyour needs. The rules are displayed with the Acrobat Reader from Adobe**).
In addition you can calculate scantling requirements for the hull structures of various ship types using the program GL Rules ND.
**) Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved. Adobe and Acrobat are Trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated.3
Системные требования / System Requirements:
* PC running Windows XP or higher
* About 400 MB free hard disk space for the complete local installation
* Acrobat Reader 4.0 or higher
Setting Up GL Rules and Programs
Start your Windows system and insert the GL Rules and Programs CD into your CD-ROM drive. Use the appropriate setup program from the AcroRead directory (SETUP.EXE) to install the Acrobat Reader, if the reader isn’t
installed yet. After you have successfully installed the Acrobat Reader, use the setup program (SETUP.EXE) to install GL Rules and Programs on your computer.
Install GL Rules and Programs
* From the Start Menu choose run.
* Type the drive letter of your CD-ROM drive followed by a colon and SETUP.EXE.
* Follow the self-explanatory instructions of the setup program. Choosebthe CD-ROM/Server Installation which is the default selection. Only thebprogram icons will be installed on your computer. If you choose the local installations, you can copy all books and programs to a local drive. 14
Viewing GL Rules and Guidelines
Ensure that GLRP has been installed successfully as described in the previous section. Double-click the Rules and Guidelines (deutsch) icon for the German version or the Rules and Guidelines (english) icon for the English version to enter structure and contents of the GL Rules and Guidelines.
Tips and Tricks
Inside the main contents file of Rules & Guidelines is a link to the newest version of the document Tips and Tricks. Follow this link and read the latest news for using Rules & Guidelines with the Acrobat Reader.
Calculating with GL Programs
All programs, which are available on the CD-ROM can be started by double-clicking the appropriate icon. The setup program of GL Rules and Programs installs the icons in the program group “Germanischer Lloyd Rules and Programs 14.0/2012”.15 Programmed Rules GL Rules ND
The program contains computation modules for the following GL Rules
I Ship Technology
Part 1 Seagoing Ships
Chapter 1 Hull Structures
Chapter 5 Structural Rules for Container Ships
Part 2 Inland Navigation Vessels
Chapter 2 Hull Design and Construction
Part 3 Special Craft
Chapter 1 High Speed Craft
Chapter 2 Yachts ≥ 24m
Chapter 3 Yachts and Boats up to 24m
Part 6 Offshore Service Vessels
Chapter 1 Hull StructuresReproduction, use and transfer restricted.