ENC Cartographer
Программа позволяет создавать растровые карты из векторных ENC и распечатывать их.
Create and maintain INT1 & INT2 compliant Paper Charts from your S-57 ENC data repository. ENC Cartographer enables you to create and maintain INT1/INT2 compliant paper charts from your S-57 ENC data source. ENC Tools now provide an end-to-end digital and paper chart production and maintenance capability. ENC Cartographer allows you to layout your paper chart, add plans and insets, automatically generate the Zone of Confidence diagram (ZOC), the Tidal Streams panel, Compass Roses, INT 2 compliant borders and scale bars, all from object and attribute data from the loaded ENC or ENCs. All work carried out in ENC Cartographer is recorded in a layout file so that the source ENC is not modified in any way. The layout file holds all editing done by the cartographer facilitating minimal editing when an ENC update is applied.