English publications

Ship Stability (48)
- Ship stability in practice
- Ship Stability OOW
- Ship's stability handbook
- Ship Stability by Dokmar
- Stability FAQ
- Ship Stability OOW
- Leaflet SOLAS 2009 - Damage Stability
- Stability and Safety of Ships - Risk of Capsizing-Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers
- Loading Manual
- Ship's stability for mates and masters
- Stability and trim for the ship's officers
- Shis Stability for Masters and Mates
- Contemporary ideas on ship stability
- The Management of Merchant Ship Stability, Trim and Strength
- Draft surveys of coal cargoes
- Draft and Stability: Problems and Answers
- Stability and Trim for the Ships Officer
- Stability lecture
- Principles of Ship's Stability
- Probalistic Damage Stability Of Ro-Ro Ships
- A Fast and Explicit Method for Simulating Flooding and Sinkage Scenarios of Ships
- Probabilistic Damage Stability Of Ro-Ro Ships
- Ship Hydrostatics and Stability
- Course Of Ships Stability and Trim
- Development of Threshold Values For A Minimum Stability Criterion 2010
- Examination of the intact stability
- Stability and trim for the ship's officer
- Intact Stability (IS) Code
- Merchant ship stability
- Course Of Ship Stability And Trim
- Ship Stability 3
- Stability and Trim
- Stability Theory
- Ship Stability for Masters and Mates 7th ed 2013
- ship stability formulae
- Development of Second Generation Intact Stability Criteria
- Guidence on the Approval of the Stability of Ships
- Dynamic Stability of Ships in Waves
- Ship stability formule
- Basic Stability for Small Vessels
- Stability Information Booklet
- Mathematical Modeling and Simulation in Hydrodynamic Stability
- Ship Stability - notes & examples
- Contemporary Ideas on Ship Stability. Risk of Capsizing
- Transverse Stability
- Ship Stability Workshop 2010-2014
- Mv Harbour Progress-Trim & Stability Booklet