Codex Base (2022)

Ссылки на различные IMO ILJ MCA - документы и конвенции. При вопросе инспектора - почему так, а не иначе - можно найти ответ на любой вопрос со ссылкой на документ или конвенцию.

Searchable access to the latest marine regulations

CodexBase is an interactive PC-based software system that provides you with fast and easy searchable access to an extensive library of consolidated versions of the latest requirements from both Lloyd's Register and the International Maritime Organization.

CodexBase 2022 Version includes consolidated versions of the latest:

Lloyd's Register classification requirements, including:

  • Rules and Regulations for the Classification of Ships, and additionally those for specialised ship types, including special service craft and naval ships

  • Lloyd's Register Provisional Rules, e.g. for existing bulk carriers.

Common Structural Rules, including:

  • Common Structural Rules for Double Hull Oil Tankers

  • Common Structural Rules for Bulk Carriers

Statutory requirements, including:

  • ten international conventions and protocols, including SOLAS and MARPOL

  • over 20 international codes, including the ISPS, ISM, IBC, IGC and LSA codes

  • IMO Assembly, MSC and MEPC resolutions and circulars

  • ILO conventions.



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